Character Name:Shadowkila
Armory Profile Link (required - please look your toon up and copy and paste the URL here. Does not need to be clickable.):
Is this your main?:yes
Character Attunements/Keys:all heroics everything since keys arent reqd for anything anymore
PvE Experience:old school all the way to naxx, BC full ssc/tk first boss in hyjal
What raid instances do you have the most experience with?:all of em
What level of involvement are you looking for with our raids?:every raid core raider equivelant
How did you hear about NexMilitis?:I watch progression on the server
Do you have any personal references within the guild?: not personaly
Why do you wish to join NexMilitis?: I stopped raiding when defenders or sporeaggar broke up and id like to start again
Have you grouped with any nexMilitis members or have friends in NexMilitis? (RL and/or in game):Oh im sure plenty of ppl knw me in the guild
List your previous guilds in the last six months. Include both the reason you left and something you liked about each.:Defenders of sporeaggar broke up and now my guild just use it for the guild bank
Do you feel it is the guilds job to help gear you for raids?:No that is the players responsability to be ready consumeables etc and to be level with the guilds progression
What are your usual playing times? Would you be available for our scheduled raid times?:i'm on every day on average 4st til 3st
What other times are you available?:
Tell us a little about yourself and why you would be a good asset to NexMilitis:Very dedicated raider whose motto is guild progression before personal gain and youll always come out on top
Do you have vent? (Microphone is optional, but we need you to be able to listen.):vent and mic